This session will explore the challenges faced by nurses during the pandemic, and it will consider how trauma plays a role in professional and workforce considerations. Frameworks for defining and identifying sources of trauma as well as engaging in appropriately trauma-informed practices and self-care will be discussed. Consideration of the needs of nurses and other front-line providers during the pandemic also will be included. Strategies for increasing effective support and improving workplace culture will be discussed.


    • Describe the elements of an appropriately trauma-informed work environment during the pandemic.
    • Identify sources of trauma affecting nurses during the pandemic.
    • Review how trauma and burnout intersect to reduce nurses’ capacity to provide safe, effective, nonjudgmental care.


      • Clinical managers.
      • Clinical professionals.
      • Nurse leaders.


Candace Burton, PhD, is an associate professor in the Sue and Bill Gross School of Nursing at the University of California and the director of the Orange County Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Education Program. Dr. Burton is a former domestic violence advocate, and her research focuses on the biobehavioral and biological health effects of trauma, particularly intimate partner violence and sexual assault. She is a trained qualitative and mixed methodologist and has published about intimate partner violence, young adult women’s health, cultural stressors, social media in nursing, and women’s reproductive health in coercive and controlling relationships. Dr. Burton holds undergraduate degrees in studies in women and gender and in nursing from the University of Virginia, and a doctoral degree from the University of California.

This speaker has no real or perceived conflicts of interest that relate to this presentation.